About Cherubim & Seraphim Church of Nigeria

Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria was registered on 9th September 1999.  It is a church of churches as its membership is composed mainly of churches of the Cherubim & Seraphim sect.



The Cherubim & Seraphim came into existence on 9th September 1925 when it was first named “Seraphim” to which “Cherubim” was added before the end of the same year.  However, the foundation for the Cherubim & Seraphim also known and popularly referred to as “the C & S” was laid in as far back as 1879 with the birth of one Orimolade Okejebu to the Tunolase branch of the Oshodi Dynasty of Ikare-Akoko in the present day Ondo State of Nigeria.  Orimolade Okejebu adopted the name Moses when he was baptized into Christianity and later became an itinerant evangelist whose campaigns that started in his immediate environs later took him to parts of present day Kogi, Kwara, Oyo and Osun States of Nigeria before he came to Lagos in 1924.

In June 1925 Orimolade had a mysterious encounter with a young lady named Christiana Abiodun Akinsowon.  The encounter led to the emergence of a prayer/revival fellowship in which the duo of Orimolade and Abiodun played prominent roles.  It was that fellowship that gave itself name as referred to earlier.  The fellowship referred to itself as a “society” because it was open to everybody who cared to join.

In 1929 an internal squabble led to the division of the C & S into two groups with Orimolade leading one and Abiodun the other.  Further divisions followed which created different factions of the 1925 society each legally registered as a C & S church. This proliferation of the C & S brought with it disunity and adulteration of the liturgy and practices of the sect from what they originally were as a way of branding or unique identification.

The primary aim of Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria or “the Unification” is to restore the unity of the C & S and as much as possible standardize the liturgy and practices of the sect.  The Unification also seeks to propel the development of the C & S to an enviable standard in the comity of Churches.

The machinery for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Church is the “Ecclesiastical Council” composed of the Spiritual Heads of all the member churches.  The Council is led by a Chairman known and addressed as the “Supreme Head” or “Olori” who doubles as the overall head of the Church.  The Ecclesiastical Council is responsible for policy formulation and executive directions.

Policy dissemination, execution, feedback and related matters will be carried out by the “Executive Council” of the Church.

To forge the desired unity in all C & S churches outside Nigeria, the Church will establish branches to be known as “chapters” in all parts of the world at local (borough, local government, county etc.), national, international, regional or territorial levels.  Each chapter will be led by a Chairman, work within the ambit of the directives of the Church and report through the Executive Council of the Church.

Membership of the Church is open to all organized C & S churches whose root can be traced directly or indirectly to the society established in 1925 regardless of geographical location, ethnicity, race or gender of its members.  An intending member church will be required to apply in writing to the Chapter of the Church in its locality (Local Government Area, Borough, County etc.) and satisfy the terms and conditions laid down in the admission procedure.

All the activities of the Church centre around the bringing together of all C & S churches to speak and do things in one accord under one leadership and promote unity through:

  • Adoption and execution of policies formulated and standards set by the supreme authorities of the Church
  • Harmonization and standardization of the liturgy and practices of the Church
  • Joint organization, execution and participation in programs, events and activities of the Church
  • Joint ownership of assets both fixed and current.

For the purpose of achieving grass root information, mobilization, support, interest and participation in all the activities of the Church, certain segments of the membership of the Church are constituted as follows:

  • Good Women Congress for the women folks
  • Youth Fellowship for the youths
  • Council of Prophets and Prophetesses
  • Army of Salvation


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National Executive Council Members

National Executive Council Members

It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world.

Many nominal Christians there are who, when confronted by difficulties and problems of this world, they run after fetish priests and other powers of darkness for all kinds of assistance. Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them.



H. M. E. Dr. S. A. Alao, Pil


Supr. Apo. Owomoyela


Apostle Tunde Ogunkunle


Apostle K. B. Babatunde

Deputy Secretary-General