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The righteous is to determine the fate of the wicked, and not the reverse. The way it is today in our society, no ungodly man, regardless of his material and political stature, is permitted to be champion, particularly when our interest are directly or indirectly at stake. “But the people who know their God will prevail and do exploits.” (Daniel 11 vs 32)

For instance for several years, a man called Haman was a thorn in the flesh of his fellow countrymen using monetary and diabolical mean to oppress, intimidate and molest the Persians. In fact, apart from countless innocent Persians that Haman killed and oppressed in different ways, he also turned the king to a figurehead and a tool in his hand. But when Haman attempted to include Mordecai, a Jew, among his victims, he got his fingers burnt and cutoff,. (Read Esther chapters 5-6).

How was Mordecai able to escape Haman’s oppression and persecution? How can we too do likewise today? Let’s search the scriptures.

We are described in the scriptures as sons and daughters of the Most High. But if we don’t know our worth and willing to go extra mile (if need be) to demonstrate it, then we will die like mere men and fail like the princess just as (Ps 82 vs 7) described it.

For we are divinely programmed to suffer the fate of unbelievers and die like them if we fail to know our worth, “nevertheless man being in honour, abide not, he is like the beast that perish (Ps 49 vs 12.)

Knowing one’s worth was the saving grace for Mordecai in Persia. He knew his worth.  Only God knew the number of innocent people that were mercilessly punished and killed at the request of Haman.

Mordecai did not overcome Haman’s taunts because he was rich or came from a remarkable family background, or was well-connected to the powers-that-be in the land.

He overcame Haman’s taunts and tricks only because he knew his worth in God and he was willing to prove that to the tormentor-in-chief (Haman).

This goes without saying that if you are being oppressed or taunted by anyone or any power, it does not necessarily translate that that was happening because you are poor, or you are from a poor family background or any other thing. Rather, it may be because you do not know your worth.

Jesus knew who He was, even in the midst of the storm, when His disciples were frantically wearing themselves out in their bid to save their lives. He was deep in sleep and when He finally was woken up, He calmed the storm by His words. Jesus could afford to sleep because He was conscious of His position in God the Father.

So, stop crying about and saying that someone in your office is making life unbearable  for you, when the reverse should be the case; you do not need to continue groaning that your landlord is making life unbearable for you.

What do wise people do when the leaders are losing focus? For any reason, when wise men are no longer comfortable with the social, economic and political trends or development in their society? What would David had done were he to be around now? Would he fold his arms and leave things by time and chance?. To find out read (1 Samuel 17 vs 1-32).

Then tell me what David did when he found Goliath harassing the army of Israel. Did he mock the army for acting cowardly? Did he return to his station and report the pitiable state he found the armies of Israel. Did he start praying and fasting that God should provide someone to fight Goliath? The answer to these questions was a capital NO.

Instead of agonising over the problem facing his people, David volunteered to lead the fight against Goliath. Not because he was experienced in fighting such wars, not because he knew he was born for that purpose, but because he loved serving and would not tolerate taunting of his people, even at the risk of his life.

What did Ezra do when he saw wickedness dominating righteousness in his generation? Did he go to Bible School to learn what was biblically proper to do? Did he join his mates in crying over spilled milk, over the mistakes of the past leader and the causes of unholy state of the society? Did he fold his hands and watch things get worse? Did he join others to mock their spiritual and political leaders for failing in their duties? Did he join the brain drain or relocate to another nation, where the pasture appears greener? Did he changed his nationality, backslide and disassociate himself from the Israelites. If No, then what did he do? He volunteered to study the bible, practice what he found and taught others (Ezra 7 vs 10).

So, I ask you: are you dissatisfied with the social, political and spiritual state of our society? Are you dissatisfied with the deplorable state of our nation and the church in particular? Dissatisfied with the prevailing moral decadence in our society? Are you dissatisfied that our leaders are afraid to lead us to fight the enemy besieging our nation? Are you displeased that you are obviously and undoubtedly living in Babylon – a society full of ungodliness? If Yes, then do what David, Mordecai and others did. Volunteer yourself to champion the change we need in our generation.

Even when Daniel found himself in a situation like ours, when he found himself in slavery for the sins he did not commit, when he found himself surrounded by wickedness, how did he react? Did he fold his hands and give the enemy room to operate?. The answer to that is No. Instead, Daniel got busy studying the bible, consulting with his friends and praying for manifestation of relevant promises of God. See (Daniel 9).

Instead of crying over spilled milk and adding salt to our injuries, instead of wasting precious time to enumerate the liabilities we inherited, and weighing ourselves down emotionally and mentally, instead of turning ourselves to small minders, when we were born to be great minders, instead of crying over what our past leaders did wrong to cause the prevailing recession and economic hardship,  let us volunteer ourselves to God to use us and bail our family and nation from generational curses.

As only contentious oath-taking, patience and loyalty in our office, families, churches, political groups and society at large, could take us out of the present situation that we find ourselves.

So, the curses that led to divorce in our marriages, untimely deaths among our kinsmen can be tamed when we know our worth as Chrsirtians (Seraphs) that are endowed with the power of prayer. Let us volunteer ourselves to God to use us to eliminate of injustice, bribery and other wicked acts in our society.

We don’t sit back and abuse those causing wickedness in our society, thinking that their exploits were just happening by time and chance. For instance, Haman had to pay the price for causing pain for Mordecai and his generation. (see Esther 3)

To be precise, when Haman purposed to kill Mordecai and other Jews in the land of Persia, it cost 12 months of idol worship before he got the king hypnotised for the purpose of getting approval. In the same way, it cost Mordecai and others three days of fasting and prayer to reverse the plan of Haman against them.

In fact, Esther had to risk her life by appearing before the king when she was not  supposed to do so. So, do not be deceived to think that the tormentors of our society operate by luck or that they would woo tire out from their acts. Such never happened in the Bible.

The land we passed and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, He would lead us into that land; a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us, but only do not rebel against the Lord because we will swallow them up. Their protection will be gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them. (Numbers 14 vs 7-9)

These are the words of Joshua and Caleb after returning from the exploration of the Promised land along with the other spies sent out by Moses their leader. God had promised the land of Canaan to the Israelites after He delivered them out of the hand of Pharaoh in Egypt.

God had told His people that the land he was giving unto them was lush and fertile, a land flowing with milk and honey. When the 12 spies scouted out the land, they discovered that “all the people there were of great sizes,”( Number 13 vs 32) and as a result, 10 of the spies brought back bad report. Only Joshua and Caleb declared that they would be able to conquer the giants because God was on their side and because of their faiths in God and His promise in the face of certain defeats, they were the two spies who made it to the Promise land.

You may have giants looming large in your life now. They may be financial troubles or health challenges or problems where you worship or with parents, friends, teacher or boss. May be you have been struggling with your weight for years and you do not see any way out. Whatever it is, remember Joshua and Caleb in the Bible. When other 10 spies saw only giants,  Joshua and Caleb saw God and victory.  Let us always lift our eyes upon the Lord for the favour, knowledge and grace to add value to our nation, churches and society. For we are the ‘salt of the world’.

It is time for a  heart connection with Heaven for the release of power. The time has come for God to hear our voices. Ask the Lord to cause you to see the reality of His power as recorded in his Word. Tell Him you want to experience this power in your everyday life.

James wrote: “Is any one of you in trouble, he should pray” James 5 vs 15, notice that he did not say we should whine, complain or get angry, and that he did not say we should accept our lot and be grateful that things are not any more worst. He said we should pray “call upon me in the day of trouble, l will deliver you then you will honour me”

You are the generation to deliver our nation from recession, injustice and corruption. Only be the next Joseph, Daniel,  Esther and David. You can only achieve the feats of these great individuals ONLY when you know your worth.

© Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria.