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We, members of the Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria (the umbrella body of all C & S Churches in Nigeria and overseas) held our 2024 Annual General Conference at Cherubim & Seraphim Church of Zion, Ugbonla, Ondo State, between Thursday, 25 – Sunday, 28 January, 2024 inside the capacious Church auditorium.

The Conference, with the theme ‘Marching Towards The New Glory’ – Haggai 2:9, was attended by Delegates from federating Constituent Churches, State Chapters and Organs of the Church and representatives of Seraphs in the Diaspora.

The Conference was presided over by the Supreme Head of the Church, His Most Eminence Most Elder Prophet (Dr.) Solomon Adegboyega Alao JP with several members of the Ecclesiastical and National Executive Councils attending the Conference from all parts of the Country and beyond.

The Theme paper for the 2024 Annual General Conference was presented by Sup. Snr. Apostle (Prof.) Lucky Oritsetojumi Akaruese of Cherubim & Seraphim Church of Zion of Nigeria, Nanna Town, Koko, Delta State.
In his presentation, Prof. Akaruese charged the leadership of the Unification Church to be more active in Christendom and in the Nigerian socio-political and economic discourse, a step, he believed, would strengthen the foothold of the church in the scheme of things.

The 2024 AGC afforded Participants the opportunity of robust deliberations on a number of issues affecting the Church, its organs and Wings as well as the position of the Church on Matters of State after which the Communiqué below was issued.


After robust deliberations, the Conference rose with the following Resolutions.

a) The Conference resolved that the Church should not be an onlooker in the socio-political and economic affairs of the country and this should be in the interest of the nation and our leaders.

b) It was resolved that the Church should consider setting up institutions that will provide jobs for Nigerians without any religious biase.

c) The Conference rose with a firm resolve to embark on a robust Evangelism as this is the core mandate of the Church. The Conference urged the leadership of the Church to consider restoring the Night of Restoration vigil at the Seraphim Land, while all states chapters were also urged to plan at hosting similar vigils at their various domains taking into account the prevailing security challenges in their domains.

d) The Church also resolved to have a Harmonised Hymn Books and Order of Service as a matter of utmost urgency.

e) It was also resolved that Publicity of the Programmes and activities of the Church should be given topmost priorities henceforth.
The Publicity will be funded by spirit-filled men and women of God within and outside of the Church. To this effect, a dedicated bank account has been opened to cater for this purpose.

f) The Conference also resolved to institute more educative Seminars across zonal divides all over the country and the Diaspora to further educate and empower our members. The leadership was, therefore, urged to set machineries in motion for this purpose.

g) It was also resolved that federating churches should consider the financial prudence of adopting a common name by all churches to adopt Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria’s certificate as this would unite all children of Moses Orimolade Tunolase and Capt. Abiodun Emanuel

h) It was also resolved that we harmonise the various titles and modes of dressing to truly convince the various denominations that we are indeed one and the same.

i) The Conference urged Heads of Constituent Churches to put in place succession plans to put paid to various rancour that usually occur upon the demise of a leader.

j) The Conference also enjoined all leaders at all levels to carry all our youths along in all the decisions of the Church.
To this end, each of the Constituent Churches and their units were enjoined to train their youths and give them the opportunity to serve in God’s vineyard. This includes allowing them to conduct a full service at least once a month as a form of building up for future responsibilities.

k) It was also resolved that we develop aggressive empowerment schemes to assist our teaming youths male and female.


The Conference deliberated on the Moses Orimolade University project currently ongoing at Omu-Aran in Kwara State. The exceptional generosity of Rev. Mother Esther Abimbola Ajayi was acknowledged with the large sum of money she had already sunk into the project.

The Conference resolved that there was need to internally raise funds through all members to use in augmenting funding for the project in order to have the University come upstream without delay. To actualise this drive, an App was unveiled during the conference which would aid payments/donations towards the project rather than rely on traditional mode of payment which is cumbersome. The Conference also urged Seraphs to rededicate their commitment to the donation of N1,000 per Seraphs every month to complete the project in record time.

m) The Conference resolved that the voice of the Church be better heard in Nigeria and beyond henceforth. To this end, the Conference urged the leadership of the Church to be more proactive at all times on national discourse.

n) The Conference resolved more forcefully not to condone any fetish or idolatry practices in any of our Churches. The public is advised to avoid any place of worship that is known to be involved in idolatry or fetish practices and also to report any C&S Church found to be involved in occult practices to our International Headquarters at Seraphim Land, Km 40, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Maba, Ogun State or our liaison office at C&S Movement Church, km 4, Oshodi-Apapa Expressway, Sanya Bus Stop, Mile 2, Lagos State, or call the Supreme Head of the church on 08033809148.

o) A Church Anthem was approved for all Seraphs to be sung at all events, meetings and ceremonies by all Constituent Churches in the C&S Unification Church of Nigeria.


The nonchalance of many Seraphs towards participating in active politicking was also a subject of discussion at the conference. The Conference was informed that if ‘righteous’ people continued to be indifferent to politics, the so-called ‘nonentities’ would rule over them and call the shots.
In the light of this, Seraphs were enjoined to participate actively in political activities leading to seeking elective offices wherever they found themselves.


The Conference congratulated Nigerians over the peaceful transfer of power to a new government without any crisis and also congratulated President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on his election as the 16th President of Nigeria as well as other State Governors and Legislators who were elected to provide dividends of democracy to their Constituencies.
The Conference, however, expressed worry over recent events in the Country to which it demanded the Government to look critically into. They are as follows:


The Conference rose to raise the alarm over increasing rates of kidnapping, terrorism, armed banditry and other vices across the country lately.
As a Church with membership spread across the country, the Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria expressed worry over the seemingly inability of the Federal Government and its security forces to frontally tackle the menace of insecurity in the country. President Bola Tinubu was, therefore, urged to rise to the challenge of security of the lives and property of Nigerians wherever they found themselves in the country.
On their part, security agencies were urged to redouble their efforts in addressing this disturbing phenomenon.
In the light of this, the Conference called on the Federal Government to allocate more funds towards procuring modern fighting tools to the military and the Police which will enhanced their operational capabilities.

*As citizens of the Country, Nigeria, the Conference deliberated on the welfare of its members in the nation especially with the multifarious socio-economic, ethnic and political challenges facing the nation today.

The Conference lauded President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for harkening to the voice of Nigerians to curtail the over-bloated expenses in government circles when he recently cut his foreign entourage and those of other elected national leaders which, is believed, would reduce the huge expenses often incurred in the process.
However, the Conference expressed displeasure over the hardship that the removal of subsidy has caused Nigerians since the Presidential pronouncement last May. Although the removal of fuel subsidy was considered a bold step by this Bola Tinubu-led Federal Government, yet the resultant negative effect it has brought on Nigerians leaves much to be desired.

The Conference also frowned at the increased exchange rate of Naira to the US Dollar which has brought untold hardship to Nigerians.
The Conference was worried at the rate Manufacturers are exiting Nigeria leading to massive unemployment and increased criminality among youths. It is worrisome that should the dollar exchange rate continue to rise, SMEs may be non-existent before long.
The Federal Government was urged to take urgent and pragmatic steps to avert the looming catastrophic consequences of unemployment being occasioned by the exodus of Multinational Establishments from Nigeria to other neighbouring Countries considered safe haven for investments.

*The Conference, while commending the Bola Tinubu administration for showing signs that it is serious at battling corruption in high places as was witnessed recently, urged the administration to continue to beam its searchlight on top government officials who might be enmeshed in corrupt practices.

*The Conference also commended the planned move by the Federal Government to relocate some parastatals to the locations they are best suited. The planned move to relocate the headquarters of the Nigeria Port Authority (NPA), Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) to their suitable locations anywhere in the country is a welcome development. The Church believe that it was highly insensitive to locate the operational headquarters of Agencies like the Federal Aviation Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) to a place like Abuja. Therefore the move to relocate these and other such Agencies to other parts of the Country was welcomed.
The Federal Government is also urged to consider widening this move by relocating the headquarters of the Nigerian Navy, Ministry of Agriculture, Nigeria Customs Service to places they are best suited in the Country.

*The Conference enjoined Nigerian Federal lawmakers to consider a legislation that would make the Office of the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) an elected position rather than an appointee of the President. By so doing, it is believed would make such Minister more responsive to the people than the appointed Authority.

*The Conference suggested to the Federal Government to focus more on religious leaders when attempting to reach the generality of Nigerians at the grassroots. The Federal Government should seek more collaboration with religious leaders to enforce laws at the grassroots level because, among others, of their closeness to the grassroots.

*The Conference tasked the media to always be on the side of truth rather than use their wide coverage to push the agenda of their owners or sections of the country. The Conference, therefore, urged the media, especially the Print media, to consider having a unified Editorial comment, at least once a month, to push a crucial national discourse. This, it is believed, would push political office holders to meet their promises to the Nigerian people.

The Conference also discussed the nonchalance of some federating churches to the Resolutions reached at past Conferences. It was resolved that a monitoring team be constituted to ensure Resolutions of the Conference are carried out to the letter.

Conclusively, the Conference urged members of the Church in all parts of the Country and the Diaspora to continue to pray for all our political, traditional and religious leaders to govern with the fear of God and not for economic or political gains.



Snr. Apostle Tayo Ajose JPil. Secretary-General

© Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria.